PHP Application Development

PHP is an open source scripting language used for general purposes. The most important purpose of PHP is in the web development sector. Dynamic web pages can be easily developed using this language. PHP is integrated with the command line interface capabilities and can be utilized in graphical standalone applications.

We use latest technologies and tools to design and develop all kinds of web solutions including Flash embedded sites, Content Management sites, Database sites, ecommerce solutions and other custom web development.

We ensure that the websites run on cross-platforms including IE, Mozilla, Opera, FireFox, Netscape, Safari and also adheres to SEO principles.

Our PHP Application Development services include:
  • Content Management sites
  • Custom Application Development
  • Opensource CMS Application Development
  • e-Commerce Application Development
  • Opensource CRM Application Development
  • Community websites
Technology Used:
  • Design & Graphics: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver & Flash
  • Web: HTML/DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Asp.Net, AJAX, Silverlight ,HTML5 and latest

    web technologies
  • Graphing: Flex, Reporting Services
  • 3D: 3D Studio Max, Interactive Designer
  • Content Management (CMS): .Net Nuke, Team site, Custom
Our Team:

We have a pool of experienced website designers and developers that have excellent track record in designing and developing highly professional and complex websites.

Our websites designers specialize in Flash website design, graphical design and provide excellent User Interface and User Experience.

Our website developers specialize in ASP.Net, DotNetNuke, PHP, ASP and other latest technologies.