Quality Assurance Team

Software can be complex, based upon millions of lines of code, created to work across and integrate with multiple platforms. At Deccan Enterprise, we believe QA and Testing to be THE fundamental ingredient to ensuring successful delivery to customers, at the first time of asking!

It is not uncommon for organisations to treat Quality Assurance and Testing as the poor relation in the software development process. There are many reasons for this, the process not being understood by the board of the organisation (not usually willing to allow headcount to increase) or even sometimes by the software development team, who believe they have all testing handled by using Test Driven Development (TDD).

There are other approaches, which can assist you in rapid delivery and release of software, however we believe a belt and braces approach greatly increases your chance of successful release first time and therefore, mitigates the risk of letting your clients down, which no organisation can afford to do.

At Deccan Enterprise, we understand the challenges facing your organisation, both in the actual QA process and where we can add value and also in your budget limitations and have developed a number of approaches to aid organisations with their testing requirements.

These include extended QA teams which are a set of resources which are dedicated to aid you in your testing process, as well as our Testing team offering which allows clients to utilize key QA skills for a set period of time whilst there is a peak delivery, however, when that peak period ends, allows a client to retain access to their Deccan EnterpriseQA Manager contact.

If you would like to talk to us about enhancing your Quality Assurance offering or to engage Deccan Enterprise on a Quality Assurance review, please contact us