Internet/Digital Marketing

Cloud is the buzz and revenues are the torrential rains. Floods are impossible as safes can be altered to bigger size and dry is out of question. Deccan Enterprise plays in the green room doing the background task of evaporation and condensation. Technology has seeped into our systems and souls to further network with others. Business cannot survive without World Wide Web and its existence is negligible if it is not optimized through vigorous internet marketing techniques.

Marketing is a process which facilitates reaching your target customers. The effective marketing is doing it fast, with low cost and with high return on investment. Internet marketing is reaching out your customers through all possible digital media channels. The current age customer expects the brands to be relevant, to listen, to interact and behave well. In other words there are many dots that need be connected to make the marketing process success.

Our Services includes:-

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The goal of SEO is to optimize your site so that when a person enters a search term into a search engine that is relevant to your business, your site will feature high in the results page returned to that person. This high ranking drives more targeted "hot" traffic/leads to your website resulting in higher conversion rates from visitor to customer.

In a nutshell, SEO consists of two parts: Firstly – tailoring the content and structure of your site so that it is relevant to search terms that people enter on search engines. Secondly – increasing the number of links to your site – this improves some of the major search engine's measure of importance of the website and results in an improved performance on search engine results pages. SEO is aimed at improving organic or natural listings, the results that are "free".

Social Media optimization (SMO)

What matters in today's marketing is not what you say about your brand/product, but what your users say. The most effective and inexpensive medium to tap these users is social marketing. Online social networking provides a platform to integrate the marketing goals through active participation from the users. So when you give out your promotion, you're already getting to know who's listening, and what they think of you. The quicker the response to our strategies, the better we can shape the next stage of marketing your brand/product.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

This is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising on the internet. As the name suggests, the advertiser pays only for the number of impressions his advertisements get. Pay per Click also helps the advertiser get figures and to judge as to how effective the advertisement was.

Those who have a systematic optimized website for organic listings might feel the Pay per Click method is not quite feasible. But this method will help you bringing in more and more links and in-fact the PPC method, in today's world, must be used along with your SEO plan!